Real time prices for the Head I.XRC 1400 Chip 2007, or similar ski products:
Written by Ski Review Guest on 12/05
Which one is better? Please help me. I?d like to buy one of these…
Written by Ski Review Guest on 01/26
Tested a demo set today and they will both cruise and carve. You want to sit back and enjoy, not a problem. You want to race your buddies, no problem. Almost felt sorry for another skier on the hill (a racer who was practicing GS) as I would follow the same path and was catching up. Beats the anchors (agility wise) that I was sold in the 11B5s.
Written by Ski Review Guest on 01/28
I skied the Head today and had an absolute ball, what is the difference if any between the two?
Written by Ski Review Guest on 03/07
Unparalled torsional stiffness outside of the race skis. Only all-mountain that wont fold away on edge or chatter (atomic metrons). Hands down tbe best all-mountain for the groomers. Complete confidence at 35mph and faster turns - unbelievebale. Sidecut is large enough to allow it to go straight unlike many of the
Written by Ski Review Guest on 02/09
How do you think these will be for beginner to intermediate level skier?? THX in advance!
Written by Ski Review Guest on 02/20
I have a set of the 2006 version. I got them second hand from a ski shop owner in Canada sponcered by Head. Mine are 176cm which is may be slightly too long for me. I am no expert, just doing a few easy black runs. I don’t like the bumps too much or too many big piles of powder in the way - very much an on-piste person. I’m very very happy with the 1400’s. They are like driving a 911 Turbo - yes they will do huge speed but you don’t have to unless you want to. If you do get a long blue straight though… it’s time to hit warp…
Written by Ski Review Guest on 04/15
I rented a pair of these last weekend and ended up buying them from the rental company - they are absolutely fantastic skis and transformed my enjoyment both on and off piste. Fast and smooth, brilliant carvers, almost as though they have traction control…!! Short quick turns also come like a breeze… Worth the investment as your enjoyment on the piste will increase 10 fold!
Written by Ski Review Guest on 02/12
I got a set of these Nov 2007. I use them primarily on the groomers as I have Line Prophet powder skis. Probably the best all round ski I have used. Nice and stable with speed…quick tirning in the bumps…and if you find a powder line they will keep you floating as long as your speed is good.
Written by Ski Review Guest on 01/07
can i put device 311 (atomic) bindings on head xrc 1400 2007?
Written by Ski Review Guest on 02/24
The most versatile ski ever…Love em for speed, fast turns and bumbs…best All-in-One.
Written by Jerremy on 01/20
Got them third year, and they’re absolutely spectacular. First season I had some problems doing small curves (they’re bit heavy), but got on weight since then and got stronger legs, and now I appreciate the stability in higher speeds much more I would the excessive manouverability of lighter and softer ones. Goes great whether you want to relax or rip the mounain. Pretty much worth the money, will last long.
Written by Ski Review Guest on 10/30
This ski is spectacular. The king of speed, control and overall reliability. Well worth the extra money, you can’t go wrong.