Elan GSX FIS Plate 2016 Ski Review

Elan GSX FIS Plate 2016 ski image

Category: Race

Ski Review Brands

Ski Statistics - Length (cm) / Sidecut (mm) / Radius (m)

183 / / 30
188 / / 30
190 / / 35
195 / / 35

Manufacturer's Description

Racing runs in our blood. It is our heritage and tradition. For the 2015/16 season we gave our racing skis an even more aggressive look and graphics. GSX Plate is our ultimate racing ski created under FIS approved standards. It represents the first race ski with left and right construction. Amphibio® profile delivers both camber and rocker profiles at the same time. Camber assures greater edge grip, while rocker allows faster and more direct turns. Besides that the GSX FIS Plate comes with RST Sidewall, Response Frame Woodcore, Dual Ti ... It is the choice of the toughest giant slalom racers. - See more at: http://elanskis.com/us/product/GSX-FIS-plate.html#sthash.5ICEdtAY.dpuf

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